Plant Berlin

Cultural Commitment.

At the BMW Group Plant Berlin, team members from about 23 countries are united by the passion for building premium motorcycles. Intercultural cooperation is part of everyday life at the site. We apply our corporate skills to support road safety, educational and neighborhood projects – with funding, volunteer or donations in kind. The plant considers itself a vivid and active part of the city of Berlin. This is why we assume local responsibility.

The commitment of the plant is not limited to financial support. It also extends to social projects and own initiatives, such as the professional and social integration of refugees. BMW staff have supported Berlin’s food bank several times and collected food for people in need. It has also become a tradition that the annual family sports day in summer goes beyond merely sharing sporting activities and donates all revenue from food and drink to social institutions, such as Spandauer Mitternachtssport e.V., Kinderhilfe e.V. or SOS Kinderdorf Moabit.

Page Overview: Cultural Commitment