Plant Berlin

Responsibility for employees.

Demographic change, the aging of the population in many western industrial countries, is a great challenge for the BMW Group as a whole. The average age of the workforce at the Berlin plant is 45, and a further increase is predicted.

The BMW Group has launched its comprehensive "Today for Tomorrow" program to meet these challenges. Special working systems and adapted working structures, such as and both active and passive recreation offers in close proximity to workplaces (exercise and silent rooms) are answers to the problem of an aging workforce. Human performance, i.e. physical and mental fitness, does not necessarily lessen with age. With targeted activities, it can be maintained, supported and even strengthened.

Health and prevention programs make sure that staff can be efficiently and reasonably employed until they reach retirement age. The goal is to create a general work environment in which people can age in a healthy way to maintain their ability to perform in the long term. This is why the BMW Group does not use the term age-appropriate production, but aging-appropriate production.

"Today for Tomorrow" begins with vocational training. The plant counts on creating the professionals of tomorrow from within its own ranks. Currently there are more than 80 apprentices at BMW Group Plant Berlin who receive sound professional training in various industrial and technical professions to make sure that BMW motorcyclists can follow the call of the road for years to come.

Page Overview: Social Responsibility