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Management Policy.

BMW Manufacturing Health and Safety Policy:

We at BMW Manufacturing strive to provide a healthy and safe working environment. In order to continually improve our safety performance:

  • All Associates will be committed to prevention of injury and ill health and the continual improvement in OH&S management and OH&S performance.
  • All levels of management will be responsible and accountable for providing the resources needed to prevent injuries and illness.
  • Management will ensure all Associates are responsible and accountable for working safely.
  • Management will establish objectives and drive change through achieving targets.
  • We will comply with applicable legal requirements and with other requirements to which our organization subscribes that relate to our OH&S hazards.
  • We will regularly measure and communicate our progress to all levels of the organization.

BMW Manufacturing Environmental Policy:

Responsibility for environmental protection lies with all team members.  In order to continually improve our environmental performance and sustainable practices, we are committed to:

  • Using resources responsibly and efficiently,
  • Regularly evaluating the impact of our business activities on the environment,
  • Consistently implementing sustainable measures to prevent pollution, minimize adverse impact and waste generation, and
  • Complying with legal, other and BMW Group requirements to which BMW MC subscribes.

BMW Manufacturing Quality Policy:

Quality in all aspects of our business is the foundation for our success. At BMW Manufacturing, we are committed to:


We know the expectations of our customers as well as the regulatory requirements. We translate these into requirements and derive goals and specifications.


We identify risks in conception and development and steer quality through preventive measures towards the goals.


We ensure the maturity and quality of our technologies, our products and our customer services in time.


We design and live stable, capable and legally compliant processes.


We fix failures quickly and sustainably.


We constantly improve through continuous learning.


We strive for system excellence in all steps. The management systems of the BMW Group serve as a basis for this.

Dr. Robert Engelhorn
President and Chief Executive Officer

Peter Fallboehmer
Vice President, Body

Chad Johnson
Vice President, Paint

Philip Heinrichsdorff
Vice President, Assembly

Siegfried Mueller
Vice President, Total Vehicle, Quality Management, Plant Projects

Markus List
Vice President, Finance, Compliance

Oliver Haase
Vice President, Purchasing and Supplier Network Americas

Ulrich Wieland
Vice President, Steering Production, Production System, Logistics

Sherry McCraw
Vice President, Human Resources

Christian Tschurtschenthaler
Vice President, Planning Americas and South Africa

Rich Everly
Vice President, Battery Line, Plant Woodruff

Manfred Pernitsch
Vice President, Market Operations Americas

Carsten Sapia
Vice President, Group IT Region Americas

Page Overview: Management Policy